weShare® for Patients
Innovative HIPAA-compliant mobile app captures self-reported patient symptoms on a common smartphone. Patients can then communicate with physicians remotely via telemedicine or come to the office for more urgent care. Patient involvement in diagnosis and treatment may lead to stronger compliance and higher satisfaction with treatment protocols.
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Here are some of the benefits a p may get from the product:
- Providing patients, physicians, payers and healthcare plans with quantitative information throughout the care path unlocks benefits across the healthcare system
- The weShare LUTS proprietary scoring provides the metrics by which these diagnoses can be confirmed.
- 10 – 20% of OAB patients have symptoms caused by drinking too much liquid, not a bladder problem; most can be effectively treated without the need for an office visit.
- Those who require further evaluation are quickly and clearly identified by our software platform.
Personalized healthcare based on individualized healthcare pathway
- Improved quality of care
- Remote/self-monitoring of progress
- Fewer trips to the doctor’s office
- More quality time with the HCP
- Shorter wait times
- Your office visit starts at home, or wherever you happen to be
- You answer some questions on your mobile phone
- You and your doctor review your answers
- You and your doctor decide on the next steps
- You may not even need to come into the office to get treated!
- You fill out some symptom questionnaires
- Certain symptoms are grouped together and assigned scores
- The groups represent preliminary diagnoses
- The symptom scores are plotted on a color coded graph
- The higher the score, the worse the symptoms
- The worst possible symptoms are shown in red; the least in green and
in between is orange
- You and your doctor review the one page summary and decide on the next steps
- More quality time with Doctor
- Improved understanding of their condition and treatment path
- Self help
- Shared decision making
- Improved quality of care – better treatment, fewer side effects
- Your healthcare starts at home by answering some questions on your mobile phone
- You fill out a questionnaire and possibly a diary depending on your symptoms
- Certain symptoms are grouped together, assigned scores and plotted on a color coded graph
- You and your doctor review the scores and decide on the next steps
“My primary care doctor suggested I obtain a prostate biopsy due to a rising PSA. I had no bothersome urinary symptoms. I was asked to use weShare for 24 hours prior to visiting my doctor. The app indicated that I needed to have a urine flow and post-void residual test. The test demonstrated that I was in urinary retention–which would’ve raised my chances of a septic infection on biopsy substantially! Instead the weShare treatment algorithm pointed me to a urodynamic exam in which I was diagnosed with an obstructive prostate. I ended up with a successful resection of the prostate instead of an inappropriate (and dangerous!) prostate biopsy.“ – MP, New York